Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thoughts from the outside...

Got to see my sister this weekend!  She is graduating college and I am so incredibly proud of her.  It's hard to believe that everyone is growing up and doing well for themselves.  It makes me feel incredibly lucky to have friends and family who are achieving so much.  Great trip!

What is wrong with Albert Pujols?  It's killing me!  This Cardinal team is loaded with talent and Pujols should be the nucleus that holds them together, yet he is posting career lows in batting average, RBI's and Homers.  What gives?  30 million a year is slowly going out the window.  Makes me wonder about what my college roommate told me.  He had this theory that Albert was actually 5 years older than he said he was. He backed this up with the fact that his high school baseball coach claimed to have coached against him in the early 90's when Pujols what supposedly 18.  Don't know how true this is, but I may have to call him up and tell him he was on to something.

The wife and I are really excited to see Bridesmaids.  We both have been Kristen Wiig fans for a long time and this looks like her breakout role.  It's a shame that is comes out two weeks before Hangover 2, because that movie will destroy all the other films that are released or are already in theaters for the next month or so.

I have spent the better part of a year trying to fill the hole that the TV show Lost left when it aired its final episode last May.  I have been told that Prison Break and 24 are must watches.  Also Friday Night Lights (the TV show, not the movie).  I will post my thoughts as I watch this summer.

Around Christmas I dropped about 20 lbs.  This past week a colleague of mine at work asked me how I lost weight so easily.  I told her that I ate less and worked harder.  She looked at me with disbelief.  I wasn't sure what else she wanted to hear from me.  It is true though.  In my experience eat more and work harder will bulk you up, eat less and work harder will lean you out.  Try to eat clean.  And really try to do something as often as possible.  It could be something as tough as deadlifting 315 lbs. 12 times, running hill sprints or as easy as taking a brisk walk (no zoo walks though, you should work up a sweat!)  I should write that down and sell it for 29.99, look out Tony Little!

I leave you with two songs this...

I love a wide variety of music, alternative rock, bluegrass, country, folk, heavy metal, etc.  I know this stems from playing the guitar.  As I get older I really like the singer/songwriter, Neil Young inspired music.  I think this is an influence from my Mom's side.  Two great songs, one by Neil himself and the other by Ray LaMontagne.

As I get older, I get smaller. I see other parts of the world I didn't see before. Other points of view. I see outside myself more.-Neil Young

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