Why is it that the final two weeks of a school year the students all seem to become possessed? Must be some neurological symptom. I can't fathom how to make the rest of the year productive. Well, this is what college prepares us for. This is where you earn your B.S. degree :)
Inception is the best movie that I have seen in the past 5 years. I encourage anyone who has seen it to check it out. More than science fiction, more than action, more than romance, it is art in it's simplest form. (Plus Hanz Zimmer has Johnny Marr formerly of the Smiths play the guitar on the soundtrack, how cool!)
I have really been into the NBA recently. I watch the playoffs all the time, rooting for The Bulls. I haven't watched the NBA in over 10 years. I forgot how much I enjoyed professional basketball. The NBA is very bittersweet to me. A good friend and I shared a love for the NBA when we were children. He passed away before high school. That left me very angry and confused. I pushed all things that reminded me of him away and I regret it. Rediscovering this joy has been wonderful, especially with my amazing wife.
As I get older I realize how important good relationships are with a handful of people. We are conditioned to think that if more people like you it is better. The truth is, if you have a few people who you would die for and they would do the same then you have it made. This could be friends, loved ones or neighbors. I know this because there are a few people who I wouldn't think twice about giving my life for. And I know they would do the same for me. This must be the influence of all those Batman and Superman comics I read as a child, thanks Mom and Dad!
Cool video to leave you with...
Music from Inception...
Adversity is the state in which man most easily becomes acquainted with himself, being especially free of admirers then.-John Wooden
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