Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Confidence...This is something that I think the majority of people in the world struggle with.  What is confidence?  How do you get it?   Han Solo knows...

What is confidence:

  Confidence is believing in yourself whatever you are doing, no exceptions.  Confidence means if you are playing basketball against Michael Jordan you would be confident in your abilities (probably not enough abilities in the world to beat MJ though.)

  As a coach or a teacher one of the hardest things to do is to have confidence that your players or students are going to do what they have been taught.  Harder still is the moment when those players fail.  Many coaches get angry and take it out on the players or students.  Better coaches and teachers asses the situation and re-teach those things that just aren't being understood come crunch time.

How do you get confidence:

  Some people of born with it.  Most of use have to work at it.  Think about it, you wake up in the morning feeling like a million dollars and then the world has one hundred things that happen in a day to try and shake that confidence.  People are mean to you, your project for word sucks, your significant other is upset at you, etc.  It's no wonder that so many people have low confidence in themselves.

  I think one of the best things that can be done is the mirror test.  Look yourself in the mirror and convince yourself that you are great.  Everyone may think you aren't so great, but all that matters is the opinion of your loved ones and yourself.  That is a hard lesson to learn.  Especially in todays "Yes Man" society.

1 comment:

  1. You are so intelligent Dave. Seriously, I am lucky to be married to such a well-rounded, caring individual. I love you!
